I think we can all agree that people who update their Twitter statuses 100+ times/day are A) annoying, B) abusing the platform, and C) not possibly getting any work done.
Well, I’m proud to announce that I’m not one of these people. As I get started on my new book about customizing your sales process to work hand-in-hand with social media marketing initiatives, I’ll be using Twitter as a means of sharing brief tips and anecdotes. I’ll also be updating whenever we put out new free sales tools—podcasts, e-books, and webinars—as well as offer information about new workshops and speaking engagements. I might even alert you to a great article I’ve read that I think you might also enjoy. If this is the type of stuff you’re interested in, feel free to follow me at www.twitter.com/tomsearcy. Of course, you’ll still get my more substantial posts here.
And as a promise to you, here’s a list of things I can assure you I WON’T be writing about on Twitter:
• My trip to the drug store to get cold medicine
• My new haircut—a little too short, but it will grow!
• My daughter’s day home from school
• Rising and falling gas prices in a city you don’t live in
• The fact that I don’t like vegetables that start with a ‘b’
• My new stapler (check out that ergonomic grip!)
• The number of people following me—“Hey everyone, I’ve got 22 followers. Yeah!”
• Spilling coffee on myself on the way to work (silly coffee lid)
• Skittles’ new marketing stunt
• How cool Twitter is—which is an oddly popular topic, wouldn’t ya say?
• And anything having to do with my trip to Kinko’s, the weather or Ping Pong
Not on Twitter, but want to be? Check out this quick tutorial.