I think we can all agree that people who update their Twitter statuses 100+ times/day are A) annoying, B) abusing the platform, and C) not possibly getting any work done.

What’s even worse is that the thought of un-following them makes you feel guilty, when really, they should feel guilty about taking over your entire feed. Ah, the dilemma…

Well, I’m proud to announce that I’m not one of these people. As I get started on my new book about customizing your sales process to work hand-in-hand with social media marketing initiatives, I’ll be using Twitter as a means of sharing brief tips and anecdotes. I’ll also be updating whenever we put out new free sales tools—podcasts, e-books, and webinars—as well as offer information about new workshops and speaking engagements. I might even alert you to a great article I’ve read that I think you might also enjoy. If this is the type of stuff you’re interested in, feel free to follow me at www.twitter.com/tomsearcy. Of course, you’ll still get my more substantial posts here.

And as a promise to you, here’s a list of things I can assure you I WON’T be writing about on Twitter:

• My trip to the drug store to get cold medicine
• My new haircut—a little too short, but it will grow!
• My daughter’s day home from school
• Rising and falling gas prices in a city you don’t live in
• The fact that I don’t like vegetables that start with a ‘b’
• My new stapler (check out that ergonomic grip!)
• The number of people following me—“Hey everyone, I’ve got 22 followers. Yeah!”
• Spilling coffee on myself on the way to work (silly coffee lid)
• Skittles’ new marketing stunt
• How cool Twitter is—which is an oddly popular topic, wouldn’t ya say?
• And anything having to do with my trip to Kinko’s, the weather or Ping Pong


Not on Twitter, but want to be? Check out this quick tutorial.

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