An edge… that’s what we’re looking for. The odds are in our favor, now more than ever. Let me help with three resolutions for 2009—different resolutions than I would have written in 2008 and hopefully different than what I will write for 2010.

1. Up Your Digital Touch – Your Rolodex life-expectancy is going to drop from its traditional 21 months to about 7 months in 2009. That means your contact-database is deteriorating at an accelerating rate. Get on and start inviting at an aggressive rate—people change jobs, cities and spouses. Make sure to follow them; it gives you a way to stay in touch through all of the changes.

2. Keep Your Clients Closer – Your best accounts are being stalked, hunted, poached—you get the idea—like never before. Even if you have long-relationships and strong contracts, clients are looking for every opportunity to free themselves of commitments. Nothing is to be taken for granted. Spend more time with your current clients, or they will change in unpleasant ways.

3. 3 Taps and Out – Change your prospecting approach to a “3 Taps and Out” strategy. The economy is changing at such a fast rate that your prospecting model needs to be just as fast. Reach out to your top prospects 3 times. If you don’t get any traction, leave them alone for 60-90 days and then go back. It’s very possible that their worlds will have changed and the opportunity door will be open.

What are some resolutions you think hunters should make for 2009?

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