David Friedfeld of ClearVision Optical shared his “vision” on looking past day 90. His thoughts on exploring new ideas, brainstorming and “brain food” are […]

David Friedfeld of ClearVision Optical shared his “vision” on looking past day 90. His thoughts on exploring new ideas, brainstorming and “brain food” are […]
I wonder if there is any cash for consultants in facilitating strategic planning these days… Most of the CXO’s and the executive teams I […]
I once worked in telesales where the psychology of the “one-call close” is that you never say “No.” I worked hard on every call to […]
The inspiration for this post came from NPR’s “Only a Game”. While I was listening to the program that covers “sports for the rest of […]
My last post dealt with the “Problem” problems that cause deals to get stuck. There were quite a few. As I promised in that post, […]
In our business, more than half of our deal coaching work focuses on “unsticking” deals, and believe me, it’s exactly how it sounds. Sometimes a […]
I just finished Michael Lewis’s Moneyball, an oldie but a goodie. It tells the story of the Oakland A’s and their manager Billy Beane’s fight […]
Sometimes I’m shocked by the amount of time it takes for the “obvious” to become apparent to me. We just completed a review of 100 […]
In the spirit of RFPs (the topic of my upcoming book RFPs Suck! –the cover of which many of you have helped me choose over […]
By G. Going When I asked Tom if he thought his audience would benefit from an article on b-to-b lead generation, his answer was an […]
By Tim Searcy “. . . but nobody wants to die.” Or, so the saying goes. This is so true for all management change. I’ve […]
Friends of ours (not the Soprano’s version of the expression), recently participated in a large RFP. They lost, but under the category of “You can’t […]