Every industry is seeking a voice of innovation and the platinum standard of best practices that will provide insights for gaining advantage. As gaining advantage […]
Resources To Help You
4 Steps to Hiring an All-Star
One of the things I often hear from companies recruiting candidates is that there’s a talent shortage. But award-winning author and sales management expert Lee […]
How to Write a Killer Resume
A resume alone will never help you get hired. It has to be relevant and compelling enough to get your foot in the door. Having […]
Weekly Tip: Are You Helping Your Buyer’s Professional Brand?
Making the Executive Sponsor a hero is one of the goals that we have as vendors, suppliers or partners. We know that if we do, […]
Team Players Vs. All-Stars: Who Matters More?
Business is like baseball in so many ways, none more so than when you set out to build a great team. You want the best […]
Weekly Tip: Is your opening line tired?
There are topics that are so tired to discuss when opening a conversation that they should be retired as starters. Let me give you my […]
Weekly Tip: Nothing Good Happens After Midnight
Nothing Good Happens After Midnight Your mama taught you this, and you probably were like me and you spent a lot of time out past midnight before you […]
7 Steps to Creating the Ultimate CEO Fortress of Solitude
I’m not sure if it was Peter Cetera or Kierkegaard who said, “Everybody needs a little time away.” Regardless of who said it, that statement […]
Weekly Tip: Writing for Impact
You probably write proposals. You likely write quotes, and I know you write emails. If you think about it, you write a lot more than […]
Achieve Faster–Nobody Lives Forever!
Goals are great, in fact they are paramount to actual success. Every single successful business in the history of time started with a goal, achieved […]
9 Ways to Have Better Vacations
I am not a great vacationer. I wish I was. I am not alone, a lot of CEOs and senior executives confess that they do […]
Weekly Tip: How to Get Thrown Out of a Bar
It’s been my experience that this subject needs almost no training…if you have done it once, or even watched it happen, you know the formula. […]