Insights from Carajane Searcy Moore on The Selling Show—diving deep into what Hunt Big Sales does best: helping mid-market companies achieve outsized growth through strategic, high-stakes sales…
Landing Big Deals in a Fearful Market
There is a high potential that you may be selling well but closing poorly. Interest is created by benefits, but sales will close based on […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Perfect for Sales Performance
We are led to believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the enemy of the future. Well, zombies come first, but then AI. Friendly at first, […]

“You want to sell your business because you are tired. I get it. You’re so tired you want to give it away for 4x.” I […]

7 Big Sale Trend Predictions for 2023
For most of our clients and the industries we work within, 2022 was a good year. I know that is not a popular thing to […]

Is Your Sales Strategy Properly Aligned with Your Business Strategy?
We might think that a sales strategy and a business strategy are synonymous — but the savvy leader knows they are not. They should, however, […]

Price Is No Object
We all deal with it, worry about it, and anticipate it before landing big sales: price resistance. If you had a dollar for every time […]

Look for the Eel in Your Next Big Sales Deal
EelNoun 1. (sealife) a snake-like fish with a slender body, proverbial known for its slipperiness. 2. (business jargon) the gatekeepers, deal spoilers, and nay-sayers at […]

3 Ways to Make Change Happen So You Can Land More Mega Deals
An old adage says businesses don’t get better by chance, they get better by change. However, change — to our value frameworks, strategic selling processes, […]

A Glimpse Into the Future: What Sales Will Look Like 5 Years From Now
One of the responsibilities of leaders is to help their teams not only plan for the future but anticipate it. We spend a great deal […]

What Sales Consultants Say About Handling Pushy Customers
The pushy customer is a sales team’s worst nightmare. But with the right sales training and coaching, pushy customers aren’t obstacles — they’re opportunities. A […]

Why Price Isn’t the Biggest Factor on Big Deals
We may think that to land the biggest deals, we need to propose the best prices. However, every top seller knows that price isn’t the […]