After years of building up a name in this field, there is one question I get asked over and over again. It’s a question I […]

After years of building up a name in this field, there is one question I get asked over and over again. It’s a question I […]
Dear Friends, The big question in selling for me has been: How will 2022 be different from 2021? I have spent a lot of time […]
Vegas has its oddsmakers. These experts evaluate all sorts of data to determine the likely outcome of some event- usually a competitive sporting event. All […]
We are doubling our staff right now. Sales people, customer service account managers, administrative support. Hiring is the worst – the amount of time it […]
It is hard for anyone to feel deterioration or appreciate prevention. You can only really feel relief or crisis. If you sell qualities such as […]
Many of the companies with whom we consult are in a two-step sales process. They first have to sell a governing body such as a […]
Wing it…that’s the dominant approach that I see with teams when they are going to a meeting, writing a proposal or presentation. Oh, there’s discussion, […]
I have heard that “culture trumps strategy every day.” I would tell you that momentum trumps all- including in landing large accounts. Athletes can feel […]
INSIDER TIP OF THE WEEK As sales people, the following ideas have been fed to us as truths all of our lives. Maybe they were, but […]
INSIDER TIP OF THE WEEK I’ve been spending a lot of time recently with a certain generation of sales people, my generation of sales people. […]
There is an old adage in sales that says ‘’the person asking the questions controls the meeting.’’ You want to be sure that you are […]
Read my CBS MoneyWatch blog “Sales Champions Work Like Magic“