This is not a survey of your skills, because if you are a great salesperson the real person that matters is your prospect or client. What you know about them reflects most clearly what your real capabilities are. If you want to know how good you really are, consider what you know about your 3 biggest customer contacts and your 3 biggest prospect contacts:

  • What is their ambition in the next 18 months?
  • What is their greatest professional fear?
  • What accomplishment(s) are they basing their reputation internally on?
  • What is their greatest current challenge?
  • Who are they blaming for their current work problems?

Most of our opportunities are held by contacts at our prospects and customers who are framing their consideration of us, our solution, and our company with parameters like the ones I have listed above. If you know how you fit into those parameters, you are more likely to be a remarkable and effective sales person.

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